Kurteislegt brjev til kanselísins

þriðjudagur, febrúar 15, 2005

This is the fundamental fact on which the whole philosophy of individualism is based. It does not assume, as is often asserted that man is egoistic or selfish, or ought to be. It merely starts from the indisputable fact that the limits of our powers of imagination make it impossible to include in our scale of values more than a sector of the need of the whole society, and that, since, strictly speaking, scales of value can exist only in individual minds, nothing but partial scales of values exist, scales which ae inevitably different and often inconsistent with each other. From this the individualist concludes that the individuals should be allowed, within defined limits, to follow their own values and preferences rather than somebody else´s. that within these spheres the individual system of ends should be supreme and not subject to any dictation by others. It is this recognition of the individual as the ultimate judge of his ends, the belief that as far as possible his views ought to govern his actions, that form the essence of the individualist position.
- F.A. Hayek

Hayek var indæll kadl. Ég gleymdi þessu svolítið í lýðræðisgreininni minni sem var á sus.is. Þessu með gildin, í fyrsta lagi að menn gefa sér í lýðræðisskýrslunni norrænu að lýðræðið hafi gildi og í annan stað það sem Hayek leiðir af ívitnunni hér að ofan, að lýðræðið virkar síst þegar gildi rekast á. Frelsið virðist í raun vera það eina sem virkar þegar gildi rekast saman. Að því gefnu að mar sé á móti kúgunum.

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